Foldable bench Open for all

The future of work is working anywhere and working together. "Open for all" is a bench made of 100% recycled plastics that can only be folded by a shared energy of two people. Therefore... you have to work together. It is designed to be moved around and enhances contact and dialogue.
Within half a century, there will be twice as many people living in cities worldwide as there are today. The city will truly be the engine of world economy and lack of space will be an increasing problem. We have to rethink the way in which we live and work. The design of the bench is led through the value of space and a communal way of thinking. It is a social statement that enhances contact and dialogue. It is easy to move and can be used by anyone during a quick consultation, a meeting, or for social purposes such as during lunch or drinks.

The closed bench is less than 2 inches thick which provides a nice graphic interest to a space. When unfolded the fit tightens when weight is added to the top, increasing the bench’s stability. The bench is made of High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, recycled plastic, and is easy to produce by means of the CNC technique. The material is hard, dense, rigid, has good UV resistance, is 100% waterproof, has good weather resistance and is rot proof.