Concept design for OkGo

The circuitry of KORGs MS-20 mini has been hacked and rewired to play only the 4 notes of the repeating bass line to the song, ‘Another Set of Issues’. Simply rotate the handle to trigger contact between the circuit and the oversized keys that play the corresponding notes. The rotating action required to play the instrument is an intentionally exaggerated gestural interpretation of the notion of ‘looping’ used in electronic music.
• MS-20 Mini circuit board
• 122 Vacuum formed keys
CHORUS CONTORT The faces and bodies of the band members are magnified and distorted as the chorus of the song, ‘Another Set of Issues’ is played on KORGs MS-20 mini. The 6 notes to play the chorus sequence are programmed as triggers that rotate 6 stepper motors that are attached to large fresnel lenses within the frame. COMPONENT SPECIFICATION • 1 MS-20 Mini • 6 Arduino’s + 6 Stepper shields • 6 Stepper motors